Why You Need A “Why” In Design

I was instructed to discuss my contributions to the design test that was provided to all applicants during my first interview as a User Interface (UI) designer. I have some knowledge of user interface design—probably because I looked it up online, completed 100 daily challenges, or because I think I can do graphics design—but all I could really say was how stunning the design is. I then understood that I had simply created a visually appealing design, not one that could provide a superior user experience. It was visually beautiful and unmistakably looked like a website. When the HR began to inquire as to why I had employed each and every component, all I could respond was, “Just to make it look nice,” funny, huh? It doesn’t matter how attractive your WhatsApp, Facebook, or LinkedIn app or website is; what matters is how simple it is to use them. The reason for using each component of the design is now under doubt. Here’s an illustration: Imagine building an e-commerce website and having to include the social media handles in the header, knowing that users will likely click on these handles and leave the website as a result. The goal of the website is to encourage users to browse its contents and place orders there rather than having them leave the website as soon as they arrive. Having an eye-catching design is important, but a really challenging one to overcome. It’s comparable to having a gorgeous lover who has no influence over your life or having a large fortune in a place where everything is free. Recognize that the audience of your client, not you or your client, is who the user interface (UI) design is intended for. Now imagine yourself in the position of the user and decide if you’ll be willing to modify your designs once it goes live.
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