Incorporated Trustees


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FAQs On Incorporated Trustees

They are usually set up for a social cause that is common to the members. This structure is tax-exempt and derive funding from donations, contributions, or community outreach which is channeled back to their objectives to make a greater impact in terms of their public purpose.

The process of registering an incorporated trustee includes:

  • Apply for consent with the following details: Name of the Incorporated Trustee, Email Address and registered address of the Association. Also the names of the trustees (designated chairman and secretary), aims and objectives are needed to file for consent.
  • Upon approval, a newspaper publication is done in 2 national newspaper and there is wait period of 28 days before filing.
  • Filing is concluded by uploading minutes of meeting, means of identification of trustees and signature of the chairman and secretary

The documents you will get are the certificate, status report and constitution of the incorporated trustees.

No, anyone below the age of 18 years cannot be a trustee

Yes, but a foreigner can only be a trustee if he has been issued a Nigerian Resident Permit.

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