How to Get Backlinks from Authority Websites For Free

get backlinks from authority website: Experienced SEO handlers will probably understand that backlinks have a bigger correlation with how well your website is ranked on search engine result pages such as Google, Bing, and the rest. A website with a great and quality link profile will always do much better than ones with more, but less quality link profiles. But the big question is, how easy is it to get legitimate backlinks from top authoritative websites to your website? No doubt, getting backlinks from any type of website either small or big is becoming a big issue by the day because backlinks have proven to be a stronghold to ranking profitable websites of all types across industries. One of the most advocated link reach-out methods is to send cold emails, hundreds of them, if not thousands, but even after doing this, you discovered that a very low percentage of these solicited emails and outreaches for backlinks actually convert for you. A good number of beginner bloggers don’t even consider link building, they just settle for profile and comment backlinks which do not offer so much value compared to in article links from authoritative websites. In this guide, I’ll be showing you how to get backlinks from just about any type of website; big or small. For the sake of clarity, link-building steps can be divided into three.
  • Value proposition
  • Finding the right contact
  • Crafting personalized messages
First, a lot of people don’t understand the place of offering value when trying to build links. Next for a more productive link-building outreach, it is very important to connect and network with the right persons. If you’re not reaching out through the proper channel you may not be getting the best result with your link outreaches. It’s needful to know the right contact person in charge of a website and how best you can reach them before you make attempt to reach out for a link back. For some websites, the person in charge of creating the content or someone who is in charge of editing the website may not be the appropriate person to be contacted for a link. You need to find the proper Media or management team of the website and ask about their intricacies for offering links to other websites. If you go through the back door, probably you go through the editor or content writers and then they try to give you a link back without proper authorization then you risk losing your backlinks in a short while, and your link will only last until the management team or the person in charge of the website found you out and get rid of your links. If you’ve committed some resources in the process, maybe you paid before you’re allowed the guest post or link insertion, then you just lost your investment in the process. The third aspect of result-driven link building is crafting original and relevant pitches in a way that the message is personalized to each of your prospects. You should not be creating generic messages that are randomly sent out to hundreds of thousands of emails at the same time. You will get better results if you craft personalized emails according to website nature, industry, niches, management details, and link types. So let’s take a deeper look into each of these ways and steps to do productive link-building.

Table of Contents

Value Creation

Value creation in link building is very key, and it’s one of the best ways to create value when you are trying to build a link to your website. You need to make sure that your pitch is very qualitative by offering something of value to the website owners. For example, you can help them to uncover bugs in certain areas of the website and offer solutions on how to fix it as a programmer. Helping a web owner in this way will increase your chances of getting the Backlink to your own website. if you’re not a programmer or a coder there are several other ways that you can approach offering value in exchange for links. You can create an article around a very valuable topic, make sure that the content is epic, original, and well-researched, and include other content elements such as infographics, videos, and charts that can also offer some value to their readers. If you found out that some of their links are pointing to articles that are outdated or not properly written you can create a better version of those articles and present to them for a link exchange. Every webmaster understands the importance of linking to quality pages that can help their readers to get more value from the web owners, this is also good for search engines as well. That way they can get better rankings and you also have some link juice flowing back to your website, a win for all. To go about this the right way, start by picking a value proposition angle; what is it do you want to offer them in return for the link? You can create a list of websites that fits well into your type of value proposition. Next, create carefully-crafted personalized emails for each of these websites to pitch your link-building. To be considered for a link back on any authoritative website, the content you are offering for a link must be one that is perceived as very valuable. You must invest a considerable level of effort into creating this content for your link-back request to be successful. You can leverage providing statistics and data in form of infographics, interactive maps, charts, references, and other illustrative elements to explain your ideas in the content. Well-researched and properly structured content will go a long way to get the results that you need for your link building. According to Kelly of Tech planet today, she got better results from articles that have a lot of illustrative elements such as charts and infographics for their link-building outreach efforts with Neil Patel. People like to link back to quality types of content because it shows a lot of correctness and statistical analysis that helps readers to make confident decisions about the subject matter. Ultimate guides with in-depth analysis will work so well. In all, whatever it is you’re offering; be it a template, or a checklist, make it a valuable piece that will be difficult to reject for the web owners, due to how much value their readers will get from it.

Finding the right contact person

Finding The Right Contact Person For Link Building Request

Image Credit: UNSPLASH

The next important stage is getting the right contact person. Most of the time going to the contact pages and the social media channels of the websites might not be the right channel to find the contact person for a website. Some websites don’t even have their email on their contact page, all they have is just a form that people can fill out to reach out to whoever is in charge of the website. if you’ll be the following contact leads directly from their website, you take a personal approach by asking directly who is in charge of the website and the right person to contact in the first approach. Let them guide you on how is the right person to connect to. You can also ask on their social media channel if they can link you up directly with someone who is in charge. Other places you can look out to are their LinkedIn profiles and also the author biography section on the blogs. Some websites can be so complex that it becomes very difficult to find their contact emails, in this case, you can use a couple of chrome extensions to find the right contact information on the website without having to manually sift through the web pages. Voila Norberthunter.io and find that email (the yellow pages of email) are three of the best freemium email finder chrome extensions that you can use to find emails on just about any website. Another way to find the contact person for a website is if you know someone or a close relative that works with the company or with the organization you can also get connected through them.

Craft a powerful pitch (relevant and personalized)

The final aspect of your link outreach is to make sure that you craft a relevant and personalized message for each of the websites. Your pitch depends on the angle at which you are trying to add value to their website. However, in order to get attention, it is very important that you create an outreach message that addresses each of your prospects in the best possible way, so you can be sure to attract the needed attention. You can write something like:
Hi there, I’m reaching out to you after reading one of your articles and thought there’s an opportunity for collaboration…
The content of your message should be properly broken down in a way that conveys your idea in a simple, straightforward yet tactical way. First, point out some of the issues that you found on the website. Next, provide your proposed solutions on how they can solve the issue, and back your propositions with statistics and facts to prove your standpoints. Also, you want to exemplify how the proposed solution can be of value to them. Finally, make your request known and request for an ongoing relationship and network. Actionable: You can create a spreadsheet containing each of the websites that you plan to reach out to, and the proposed messages for each of the websites. From there you can easily keep track of those who responded to your message, those who are yet to get back to you, those who engaged already with you, and those who successfully added your link, that way you will know how to follow up on each of your prospects. Who says link-building is easy? link building is more like sales and marketing, a lot of follow-ups is required to get a good result, you need to go the extra mile, think out of the box and do beyond what others are doing. Sending one or two lines of a message like “hello there, can you link to us, we noticed that you link to other websites and would like you to also link to our website” does not work anymore. You need to approach it with much professionalism and adeptness.
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